1/20/19 - Portra 400
Hensley, Palomino Blond, and Teen Divorce at the last Bughouse show in Jacksonville, FL
I owe so much to The Bughouse- I grew creatively in this space among some of the most talented people ever. Not only that, but the self growth and confidence that it provided me with is insane. The first time I ever went, I didn't know anyone really and I was just taking photos of whoever from wherever I wanted. I wasn't worried about if everyone was judging me (which is not typical), I just really wanted to try to capture the sense of community I saw between all of the friends supporting their friends. To continuously be able to step into a space so welcoming like that so frequently for the last year and a half is something I want everyone to be able to experience. I'm so so thankful for all of the moments I've experienced there, and for all of the friends that I've made and been lucky enough to share these moments with. Thank you David Kennedy, for creating something so special. And shoutout Runner's High because that EP release show is what brought me there in the first place.